Blender - Haggis Tools
Introducing Haggis Tools
Haggis Tools is a Blender add-on ( 2.8+) geared towards optimizing workflows, reducing mundane and repetitive tasks, and ultimately saving the artists time.
1.1.5 Updates
Select by polycount
Duplicate and Separate topology
Lock inverted selection
Right Properties Sidebar
1.1.4 Updates
Select object if disabled in render engine
Select by poly-count
Apply Transformation and Flip normals
Flip Normals in Object Mode
Colour Collection
1.1.3 Updated Features
Store and Recall Selected objects Location | Rotation and Scale
Better Ui Control - toggle elements on and off
Quick Move selected objects to collection
Add Empty to selected - perfect for instancing
Store and Hide selected
Hide by Type
Copy and Paste location, rotation, and scale.
Duplicate objects and automatically join.
Open user-specified editor type as a floating window.
Auto smooth shading and enable normal smoothing
Add Bones on selected objects.
Create Empty on selected vertices.
System Tools.
Command-Line Shortcuts.
Match Viewport visibility.
Skip Keyframes by.
Perspective - Camera View and lock camera viewport.
Copy Materials and Unlink.
Quick UI toggles - display name, gizmos.
Create Empty and Parent Selected
Name collection as object name and move
Create Vertex / Uv map with Object name
Rename mesh < > object
+ More
Set Display as Wire on Selected Objects
Quickly Lock the Camera and Lights in the scene
Install add-on without going into preferences
Set Hold/Mask on selected objects
Add DOF focus puller on Active Camera
Keyframe Location | Rotation | Scale
Copy and Paste Location | Rotation, and Scale
Paste individual channels
Paste and Keyframe
Reset Selected Location and Rotation
Copy Animation Data and make single User
Calculate and Clear Object Motion Paths
Quick Keymap Menu Alt + Right Click
Non-Intrusive Interface Elements
Located in the top right of the Blender interface the icons provide a visual guide and access to necessary tools.
Toggle QuadView
Open User Specified Editor Type Floating Window... perfect for dual-screen.
Toggle and Display Name of Selected Objects
Lock the Camera View
Toggle Transform, Rotate, and Scale Gizmos
The floating Window can be set by the user in the > System Tools Menu.
Open Working and Render Directory.
Lock Selected objects.
Create a collection and move all mesh objects into a collection.
Discord Support.
Video and Documentation.
Access the Animation Tool Quick Menu by pressing ALT + RIGHT CLICK
Quickly skip keyframes and move the timeline in incremental steps set by the user.
Save System Info.
Enable enter edit mode when creating objects.
Disable Splash Screen.
Sculpt Menu -
Emulate 3 button mouse
Face Orientation
Free Updates
New Features
More Haggis
Batch Rendering script output
Focus Outliner
Rest on Ground
Modeling Tools
Haggis Tools is constantly evolving, the more we use Blender in production the more we can optimize and make life easier.
We love ideas, features, and requests our objective is to build Haggis Tools for everyone, from hobbyists to studios.
Get in contact or visit my Youtube channel for more information.
Haggis Tool V1.1.5 Development Log 11/02/2022
Added: Select by same polycount
Added: Select Scale Greater than 1
Added: Create Material with active object name
Fixed: Select by polycount
Less than, greater than = Equal too , and same selection
Edit Mode menu added... Mesh
Add Material Assign
Add Material Assign Random Color
Duplicate and Separate Selected Topology
Duplicate and Drop
Removed: Lock LSR on active - LSR selected does the same thing
paste l|R|S moved up in the animation tools submenu
Lock Inverted Selection
lock and unlock selection removed from the main menu, added to selection tools submenu
Selection tools submenu reorganized
Store selected and Disable
Recall Disabled Selection
added right toolbar
--- quick rotate operators added
bugfix open window will not resize render rez *patch
Haggis Tool V1.1.4 Development Log 04/01/2022
Apply Transformation on active object and Flip Normals
Flip active object normals in object mode ... will select all mesh in edit mode.
Add guide toggle for camera display
Ui toggle elements are now saved with preferences
added save preferences to system tools
Select object with negative scale
Select objects with negative X,Y or Z location
add a color walk for collection, will color collections 1 to 8 then loop back around - added to collection menus
Save preferences add to the system tools menu
selects objects that are disabled in render
select objects that have a holdout
added selection tools menu to the main menu
moved true random select to Selection Tools Menu
added select by poly count smaller or =equal, greater or equal to
Haggis Tool V1.1.3 Development Log 28/01/2022
Point Release Update
Fixed Camera toggle, now acts correctly and gives better visual feedback
Ctrl + ALT + Numpad 2 = set perspective to camera, lock and "home" focus
add empty on selected object | Location | Rotation | Scale
move selected into a collection
Materials removed unused slots on selected
added keymap "INS" to bring up haggis tools in 3dview
Ui elements can now be toggled on/off .. for example, quad view and skip frame
Add to animation menu - Lock Location | Rotation, and Scale on active or Selected
Add to animation menu - Unlock LRS on Selected
Removed reset location and rotation from animation menu, double function this can be found in the clear object menu
Added reset all 3 LRS on selected objects
Added Store and Recall selection
Cleaner and more structured Menu's
Store and Hide selected Objects
Recall Hidden Objects
Hide by Type
Save and Timestamp: Compress Remap Save Copy
Store and recall active camera
Haggis Tool V1.02 Development Log 20\01\2022
Duplicates selected objects and joins them as a singular object.
Copy active material to selected objects and make single user/unlink.
Convert curve to mesh and keep the original active mesh.
Create a Text object and enter Edit Mode.
Randomly select mesh objects without selecting lights, camera, or other elements, randomly generated seed, and selection value.
Enable Shade Smooth and Enable Auto Smooth Normals 30
Match camera to the perspective viewport and lock camera view - (Keymap) Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 1
Create an Empty, enable Depth of Field, and assign it to the active camera in the scene.
Enable all viewport options on all objects, for example, hidden in the viewport and disable in render(s).
Match the render visibility and globally disabled in the viewport to the hidden status on selected objects.
Match the disable in renders on selected objects and set hidden and globally disabled in the viewport.
Disable all viewport elements on selected objects.
Set a Holdout / Mask on selected objects.
Disable Holdout/ Mask on selected objects.
Write / Create folders in the root directory of the .blend, with the corresponding collections name.
Create Collections on all add elements for example Mesh | Lights | Camera | Force Fields
Copy Location, Rotation, and Scale
Paste Location, Rotation, and Scale
Lock selected objects
Unlock selected objects
Set Display as Wire or Textured
Create Vertex with active object name
Create UV map with active object name
Rename object the same as Mesh
Rename Mesh the same as the object
Name collection as active object and move the object to the collection
Create a collection and move all mesh objects
Create a collection and move all lights
Create an Empty with name enabled
Create an Empty and parent to the selected object
Create empty on world origin 0,0,0
Add empty to selected vertices, first go into edit mode and select the points.
Create an empty in the center of the object and snap to the selection.
Add bones to selected objects.
Open the Working directory of .blend file, the file must be saved first.
Open Render directory, path must be set in the render settings.
Add Ui elements, toggle quad, toggle names, open floating window, toggle gizmos
Added Skip Keyframe
Added Ctrl + Rightclick for Animation tools quick menu
Added emulate 3 button mouse and face orientation to sculpt menu
Added System tools menu
Added command tools
A collection of workflow and quality of life tools for Blender 3D